Sunday 25th February: Poetogeography, The Death of Christopher Marlowe, Niall McDevitt

Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight And burned is Apollo’s laurel bough – Dr Faustus

The death of Christopher Marlowe is one of the most bewildering stories in the history of English literature. Though Marlowe was murdered by government agents in a government safehouse in Deptford Strand, it was misrepresented as a pub brawl, a myth that persists to this day. Join poet Niall McDevitt for a thoroughgoing exploration of the story, and immersion in Elizabethan history, with a stunning riverside backdrop. We will begin at Island Gardens at the so-called ‘Omphalos’ of the Isle of Dogs; walk under the Thames – yes! – to Greenwich Palace; visit the site of Marlowe’s death and coroner’s inquest; and see his burial place in a pauper’s grave in Deptford Green. We will finish by discussing the 1001 Marlowe conspiracy theories in a Wetherspoon pub in Surrey Quays – hopefully without any poets being murdered.

     -Max Crowe Reeves (images)