Category: Blog

September 9, 2021

Walkative: Santiago de Chile

Led by Carola Ureta Marín

October 27, 2020

Walkative Society presents INVISIBLE BORDERS: exchange with students from Nuremberg Academy of Fine Art

Invisible Border- an exchange programme with the students from Royal College of Art and Academy of Art- Nuremberg

November 1, 2019

Schedule Across RCA 2019

August 20, 2018

Looking for cracks and joins in CR0. Some images from a Croydon Walkative on May 19th with Laura Grace Ford

March 21, 2018

Sunday 18th March: (Or)Landscape(s): Time Travelling in Bloomsbury, Noble & King

March 15, 2018

Sunday 11th March: A Walk About Architecture and Things, Phil Smith

March 15, 2018

Sunday 25th February: Poetogeography, The Death of Christopher Marlowe, Niall McDevitt

March 15, 2018

January: De Quincey, Caterina Gobbi & Chris Taylor

January 24, 2018

Sunday 7th January: No Dogs Allowed, Joao Villas

August 5, 2017

Saturday 1st July: Art Night Associate Programme 2017, Jakob Rowlinson